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POLYTHERM underfloor heating
From Polytherm we offer underfloor heating solutions for almost any space or enclosure, whether new construction or rehabilitation.
We have air-conditioned markets, warehouses, museums, schools, parking lots, and even animal farms. We design our products looking for quality and savings.The savings that are produced thanks to the ease and speed of assembly
Save time in assambly: quick and easy.
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Underfloor heating Components
System Regulation
The PolyAlpha thermostat for underfloor heating regulates and programmes the underfloor heating installation from a simple application.
In addition to covering the needs of any underfloor heating system, our manifolds offer high quality and durability.
The Estrato is a heating water device that protects your installation from sludge and ferrous particles, keeping the equipment clean of impurities and residues. In addition to extending the life of the elements of the air conditioning system, it allows for greater energy efficiency.

Sanitary Systems
Polytherm and Termoconcept offer the most efficient sanitary systems on the market. Your installations will have quality and a 10-year warranty.
Download the sanitary systems price list
Large installations
A solution for every need
Large installations also deserve perfect economy. Our accessories will offer you unique advantages on the market.
One pipe for each installation
We have 3 types of pipes. Our sanitary systems are composed of pipes and fittings certified by AENOR.
They all fit! Our accessories are designed to work in large installations.
From -20 to +90ºC
Wide range of working temperatures.
Plumbing and Heating
Special for heating installations.
Our plumbing and heating systems have AENOR certificates that prove their quality and innovation in the market. A solution for your plumbing and heating works.
Because we know that your time is worth gold!
Other Solutions
How can we help you?
To receive our technical manual, please fill in your details and give us your postal address to receive this documentation.
If you are interested in becoming a certified installer by Polytherm, contact us through their distributor to sign up for a training course. Fill in your details, and we will indicate which is the next training course you can attend to obtain your card.
If you are interested in purchasing any product from our catalog, fill in the details or call the phone number: 91 658 69 60 and we will provide you with the distributors in your area.
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Monday to Thursday
from 8.00 to 14.00 and from 15.30 to 18.00
Friday from 8.00 to 14.00